Notice Regarding Credit Checks per Vermont Law
Posted by: Joshua Flexen
July 26, 2018
Posted by: Joshua Flexen
July 26, 2018
Posted by:
July 25, 2018
The Basics
Key Takeaways
Which employers are affected?
The new amendment has reduced the number of employees needed for an impacted employer to be covered under the provisions of the Ordinance from twenty to five.What is prohibited?
Convictions for Decriminalized Behavior
Although previously permitted under the Ordinance, employers are now prohibited from inquiring about, requiring disclosure of, or basing an employment decision on convictions that have since been decriminalized since the date of the Conviction, including, but not limited to, convictions that fall under California Health and Safety Code Sections 11362.1 and 11362.2 (related to the non-commercial use and personal cultivation of cannabis). Impacted employers will need to be cognizant of this requirement when evaluating their background checks.
As a reminder, California employers have been restricted from considering certain criminal history prior to this amendment, including but not limited to:
San Francisco expands on the above and prohibits covered employers from considering (i) information pertaining to an offense other than a felony or misdemeanor, such as an infraction or (ii) convictions that are more than 7 years old, based on the date of sentencing.
Conditional Offers of Employment Only
Under the amended Ordinance, employers are prohibited from inquiring about, requiring disclosure of, or basing an employment decision on a person’s conviction history after a live interview. Consideration of an applicant’s conviction history is permissible only after the employer has made a conditional offer of employment.
What other requirements impact employers?
Increased Penalties:
Under the amended Ordinance employers can be assessed a $500 penalty for a first violation that occurs on or after the effective date of the Ordinance for each employee or applicant as to whom the violation occurred. Subsequently, a second violation can yield a $1000 penalty and $2000 for any additional violations. If there are multiple applicants or employees affected by the same procedural violation at the same time then the violation is treated has one violation for each impacted person.
Private Right of Action:
Where it used to be that the City Attorney could only sue for violations of the Ordinance the new amendment allows for individual applicants and employees the right to sue if his or her rights have been violated. The penalties will now be paid to the person(s) impacted by the violation and not the City.
We recommend you review and discuss with your legal counsel your organization’s policies and procedures to ensure compliance with the changing law. For additional details please refer to the final legislation regarding the amended Ordinance. Seyfarth Shaw LLP has also provided an overview you may read here.
Please note: The information provided above is strictly for educational purposes. It is not intended to be legal advice, either expressed or implied. Accurate Background recommends that you consult with your legal counsel regarding all employment regulations.
Posted by: Joshua Flexen
July 25, 2018
Posted by: Joshua Flexen
July 25, 2018
Posted by: Joshua Flexen
July 24, 2018
Posted by: Joshua Flexen
July 23, 2018
Posted by: Joshua Flexen
July 22, 2018
Posted by: Joshua Flexen
July 21, 2018
Posted by:
July 18, 2018
Posted by:
June 28, 2018
Ban‐The‐Box Laws Have Expanded in Washington State
Washington State and the City of Spokane have joined a growing number of jurisdictions that have passed so‐called "ban‐the‐box" laws.
Both laws limit when employers can inquire into and consider the criminal history of a job applicant and will go into effect in June 2018.
Who does this affect?
The law applies to employers including public agencies, private individuals, businesses and corporations, contractors, training and apprenticeship programs, and temporary staffing, job placement, referral, and employment agencies.
What is prohibited in the law?
Employers may not: